New Edition
Compiler : Harish Raghuwanshi
By including 61 newly found songs of the singer and several dozen extra stanzas of different songs, duly updated and enlarged with lot of additional information, 2nd edition of complete compendium MUKESH GEET KOSH of Singer-Actor-Producer-Music Director Mukesh, covering full text of all 1,053 known songs with respective credits, has been made ready in November 2020 which is running into 672 pages alongwith some rare photographs. All the original stock of first edition of MUKESH GEET KOSH, published in March 1985 had been sold out long back and its digitally printed edition was made available till the publication of the newly published 2nd edition
Hard-bound Price : Rs.1,350/- (including packing and postage for destination India).
Compiler : Harish Raghuwanshi
Full details viz. names of the producer, director, artists and censor details of about 579 films, made in Gujarati language and censored between 1932 to 1994 with its songs i.e. opening line with respective singer, lyricist, music director and 78rpm/microgroove disc numbers was published in Gujarati language in March 1995. Entire stock of this unique compendium has since been sold out. Preparations are in hand to update it till recent past and its new edition will be published in due course.
Publication news of revised edition will be given here at the appropriate time.
Hard-bound Price : Rs.1,150/- (including packing and postage for destination India).
Now Available in Hindi
Compiler : Harish Raghuwanshi
Compilation of detailed articles with authentic information on 35 selected personalities of Hindi films - Prem Adib, Shyam, Kanhaiya Lal, Mazhar Khan, Noor Mohd. Charlie, Master Nisar, P. Jairaj, Krishna Kant, Ranjan, Mahipal, Nasir Khan, Yakub, Gope, Karan Dewan, Jayant, R.Wasti, D.Billimoria, E.Billimoria, Nigar Sultana, Kuldip Kaur, Lila Mehta, Naseem Bano, Shakila, Dulari, Qamar Jalalabadi, Bharat Vyas, Khumar Barabankavi, Narendra Sharma, Prem Dhawan, Master Fida Hussain, Madhulal Damodar Master, V.Balsara, Alla Rakha Qureshi, Dwarka Das Sampat, Mohan Lal Dave - was been presented in Gujarati language in a book titled INHEIN NAA BHULAANAA. Entire stock of Gujarati edition has since been sold out. Its Hindi version, (translated by Mr.Sunderdas V.Gohrani) published in September 2018, is now available and can be obtained from the address given below.
Price : Rs.400/- (including packing and postage for destination India).
For obtaining Mukesh Geet Kosh, Gujarati Film Geet Kosh and Inhein Na Bhulana, remittance may be sent by Money Order or Bank draft favouring Mrs. Satinder Kaur at the undernoted address. Online payment can also be made by asking bank account details from the publisher for credit to an account through any branch office of ICICI Bank anywhere in India. Music lovers residing abroad may send queries to Har Mandir Singh 'Hamraaz' (Compiler : Hindi Film Geet Kosh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for obtaining above books by air mail to ascertain the exact amount in US Dollars or British Pounds.
Mrs.Satinder Kaur, H.I.G. - 545, Ratan Lal Nagar, Kanpur 208 022 India
Phone : +91 512 2281211 M : +91 9336587507, 94154 85281 E-Mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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