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List B (Not in any particular order)


Following information, collected from different sources to be updated in database:

More artists found will be included in database

Background dancers

Additional songs, music and dance sequences found while watching films

Songs picturised on the artists

Extra information proposed to be added in near future

Shooting locales, type of cars used, special animals used, etc. as found in films

About photography, sound recording, etc., the whole technical thing

Memorable dialogues in films

Cast and role played

Song raga, instruments used, musicians names, etc.

Film stories or songs based on non-Indian sources

Incidents occurred during film shooting, etc.

Awards won

Other trivia, such as debut film, first CinemaScope film, etc.

First release date of films with the name of city

Any records such as Silver Jubilee, etc. related with films

Any legal/social trouble faced by producers

Any remake of the film with new title, into other Indian or foreign films

If this is a remake/dubbed from other Indian film

If this is a remake of a foreign film

If the film was made into many languages

Incidents occurred with the actors during or after shooting like getting married, injured or died, etc.

Non-characteristic things, lyricist/director/cameraman appearing in film

Child artists who rose to play the roles of hero, heroines, etc.

Story synopsis, full text of songs extracted from the booklets

Photo gallery of each film comprising booklet cover page, still photographs, photographs of film related personalities

Memorable scenes, dialogues, etc. of the films

Films in which hero and/or heroine pass away in the middle/end of the film