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This website is dedicated to Firoze Rangoonwalla and BV (Bhaskarrao Vishnu) Dharap,

without whom none of this would have been possible.


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Welcome to Hindi Film Geet Kosh Online! This website is based on the massive compilation work of Har Mandir Singh 'Hamraaz'. The website is being maintained by the webmaster Prof Surjit Singh, a diehard movie fan(atic), period. Above all, we deeply appreciate the support shown by our spouses, Satinder Kaur (Mrs 'Hamraaz') and Harmesh Kaur (Professarni).

Latest news will be posted here. The website is a work in progress. We will add stuff to it as it becomes available. To see what is here please explore the tabs on the Main Menu above. 'Hamraaz' was helped in his compilation work by hundreds of people and many key volunteers. If you would like to help, please contact us via the contact from, or if you know us, please email or phone.

We are taking great pains to ensure that the information here is error-free, but they do creep in.

We are offering a reward for any serious mistakes caught. The reward will be in the form of songs, videos, magazine pages, booklets, book pages, photos etc. from our collection.